Looking Out For The Signs Of Alcoholism

The signs of alcohol use disorder can be clear in some cases, but there are also other instances when things aren’t as obvious and the signs are much more subtle. Determining whether or not a person is suffering from alcohol use disorder can be complicated because signs of alcoholism come in different forms and feature various stages. An individual who consistently drinks and is often intoxicated may appear to be suffering from alcoholism, but is that really the case? Here’s what to look out for when it comes to alcohol use disorder. 

The Early Warning Signs

Alcoholism isn’t something that occurs overnight. It’s a lengthier process that has warning signs to start and progress over time if left unchecked. Below are the initial signs of alcoholism: 

  • Frequent drinking or drinking in large amounts when doing so
  • Prioritizes drinking over obligations like work
  • Drinking in risky situations
  • Different personalities when intoxicated

Those who consistently exhibit these early signs are expected to further progress into alcoholism. They likely have an issue with drinking and should consider attending an alcohol addiction treatment program. 

Behavioral Signs of Alcohol Use Disorder

Those who suffer from alcoholism will also begin to display certain behavioral cues. Alcohol becomes a bigger priority and much of your life starts to revolve around it. Many of your thoughts will be about alcohol and your desire for it will heighten. This leads to a vicious cycle of craving and consuming alcohol, and wanting for more. This desire for more comes from increased tolerance to alcohol. Those who are increasingly tolerant of alcohol need more of it to achieve the same effect. 

Alcoholism and its Physical Signs

Alcohol use disorder doesn’t just affect a person’s behavior, it will also change them physically. Because a person suffering from alcoholism is drinking more frequently than they are eating, they will lose weight. Broken blood vessels in the nose and cheek areas are another common occurrence in people with alcoholism. A person may also start to have shakiness in their hands or in other places. One of the clearest physical effects that alcoholism can have is withdrawal symptoms. The severity of withdrawal symptoms will be dependent on how much a person drinks. While mild cases of withdrawal are serious and should be treated with the utmost caution, severe withdrawal is especially dangerous due to symptoms like seizures, hallucinations, and high blood pressure putting the health of the individual at risk. 

Signs for Functioning Alcoholics

It can be difficult for functioning alcoholics to acknowledge that they have a problem because their behavior isn’t as obvious as those with more severe cases of alcohol use disorder. Functioning alcoholics don’t drink as much and can control their behavior when they’re out at social functions and having interactions. They also are still able to go about their life fulfilling their obligations, such as work. While it may appear at the surface that functioning alcoholics are just fine, this isn’t the case. There’s still a reliance on alcohol from this group of people. For functioning alcoholics, alcohol is more than just something to be enjoyed. Whether it’s for relaxation or a boost of confidence, functioning alcoholics are reliant upon alcohol to fulfill some sort of need. 

Alcohol is one of the most frequently abused substances in the country. Its wide societal acceptance makes it a difficult challenge for those who suffer from alcohol dependence to admit they have a problem and overcome their addiction. Those recovering from alcohol use disorder will need proper guidance and support to take on such a challenge. At Twin Town Treatment Centers, we operate six drug and alcohol treatment centers throughout the Los Angeles and Orange County area, including one in Laguna Hills, where our certified staff tirelessly work to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for those beginning their journey toward recovery from substance abuse. Get in touch with us by calling us at (866) 594-8844 or filling out our online form to get started today. Our team of drug and alcohol treatment professionals will provide you with a no-cost interview and assessment for alcohol and drug issues.

City of Hollywood in Los Angeles, California

West Hollywood, A Study of Cannabis, Methamphetamine and Recovery

As a study of excess and recovery, West Hollywood was, is and will remain a party city with a burgeoning community of recovering addicts and alcoholics. Most retail blocks host more than one bar and cannabis retailer. The “cannabis lounge” has become the new venue promoting the City’s attempts at death-defying partying. Alcohol and cannabis sales is a signficant source of revenue for a more-than-generous city government and infrastructure.

Drug addiction treatment is offered through the City’s roster of drug addiction treatment programs. The drug rehab profession has become an important safety net as alcohol, methampetamine and cannabis sales skyrocket.

You may ask how do drug and alcohol sales, drug rehab and recovery exist in the same community. For the most part, cannabis retailers have respected and avoided locating too near a treatment or recovery center. The airborne THC contaminants and psychological triggers their products create for those seeking or maintaining recovery would impair their chances at success- a public health concern indeed.

FYI In California, lethal overdose from methamphetamine is more pronounced than from fentanyl or any other class of opioid.

Twin Town Treatment Center, West Hollywood provides a no-cost UCLA, SAMHSA supported demonstration treatment of stimulant use disorder referred to as “TRUST”. The goal of the stimulant addiction treatment program is to create drug addiction treatment best-practices. Information may be accessed at http://www.uclaisap.org/oasis-tta/html/projects/stimulant-use-disorder-project.html

Call (866) 594-8844– Twin Town can help find the right resources.

7 Valuable Anger Management Techniques to Use in Your Recovery

Addiction can intensify feelings of anger and exasperation and cause an outflow of emotion from those who suffer from the disease. These feelings can occur frequently, which negatively impact the relationships of those around the person suffering from addiction. The toxicity and negativity that spawn from the angry behavior caused by addiction, contribute to the deterioration of close relationships. Those in recovery from substance abuse addictions can employ anger management techniques to combat this and channel their emotions more constructively. Below are seven anger management techniques that can be used by those in recovery.

Discover What’s Bothering You

If you begin to display heightened angry behavior over trivial things, the cause may be another underlying issue. Think about what could be the true cause for these feelings that you are having; it could be about concerns over job security or issues with an important relationship. No matter what it is, discovering what’s bothering you is an important step toward addressing it.

Find Out Your Triggers

Closely examine how you go about your day. Ask yourself if there are any events or situations that always seem to trigger your anger. Triggers can vary from interactions with certain individuals to everyday occurrences. Learning what triggers your anger allows you to self-reflect and examine why these situations are having this kind of effect on you. You can then work on adjusting your approach to these interactions and situations so your anger isn’t projected. 

Recognize Your Anger Warning Signs

As you get angry, your body will start to exhibit various physical cues. Recognizing these signals can help you realize when you’re about to reach the breaking point. If this recognition comes early enough, you may be able to calm down and relieve yourself of this anger. Below are some of the warning signs that signal that you are currently feeling anger:

  • Clenched fist or jaw
  • Knot in your stomach
  • Accelerated heartbeat
  • Clammy or flushed skin
  • Tension in your neck and shoulders
  • Faint signs of a headache

Adjust Your Thinking and Mindset

One way to manage your anger is by adjusting your mindset and the thoughts that you are having. Anger tends to spur extreme negativity and the use of hyperbolic ugly language. Your thoughts are more irrational and your outlook is more pessimistic. Shifting yourself away from this type of negative mindset and having more positive thoughts can calm you. 

Try Relaxation Techniques 

Relaxation techniques will help you focus and deescalate the feelings that you are having. It has proven to be highly effective in managing anger and bringing a person back from the tipping point. Start by taking deep breaths while visualizing a calm image and thinking of peaceful words. Another relaxation method that you can employ is incorporating slow yoga poses. Concentrate on the motions that you are making, as it will help relieve some of the tension in your body. 

Address the Issue

Ignoring the issue that is causing you to be upset does nothing but perpetuate the cycle of anger. Sit down and ask yourself why this certain situation is causing you to react in this manner. Once you’ve come to terms with the root cause of your anger, formulate a plan to address this issue. Do your best to follow through with your plan even if the results don’t go your way. What’s important is that you pursued an alternative way to handle your problem that doesn’t involve lashing out or responding in anger. Instead, you were more analytical and level-headed, which is much more healthy.  

Respectful Communication

When you’re angry, it can be tough to listen to another perspective. Angry individuals will tend to speak out with emotion and express what immediately comes to mind, even if it doesn’t make the most sense. There is rarely any chance for the other person to have their voice heard because the angry person isn’t listening. Individuals feeling angry should instead watch their words and choose to listen, even if they don’t entirely agree. It’s also important to be considerate with your words. Thoughtful word choice can deescalate a situation and lower the tension. 

The process of recovery is never easy, especially when navigating emotional barriers. Those seeking addiction treatment should never have to do it alone. At Twin Town Treatment Centers, we operate six drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers throughout the Los Angeles and Orange County area, including one in Laguna Hills, where our certified team provides personalized support and guidance for those on their journey toward recovery. Get in touch with us by calling us at (866) 594-8844 or filling out our online form to get started today. Our team of professionals will provide you with a no-cost assessment for alcohol and drug issues.

5 Signs that Indicate Addiction to Meth

Meth is a powerful drug that can negatively impact the lives of those who use it. It’s especially dangerous because of its makeup and properties that allow for addiction to take hold very quickly after just a few uses. Signs of meth addiction can be subtle and requires knowledge of symptoms to recognize that a person is suffering from substance abuse disorder. Understanding these symptoms and knowing what to look out for can help you determine whether or not your loved one is struggling with addiction to meth. The quicker you’re able to recognize the signs of addiction, the faster you’re able to find the appropriate support for your loved one. Below are five signs that indicate addiction to meth. 

Physical Signs of Meth Addiction

The physical symptoms of meth addiction are visibly noticeable. They can range from facial acne and body sores to frailness and rotting teeth. Meth addiction and its physical symptoms aren’t purely cosmetic as well. They can also lead to additional health issues such as lowered immunity. When a person is suffering from substance abuse disorder from meth, they are more likely to get infections and diseases due to a weakened immune system. 

Psychological Signs of Meth Addiction

Meth addiction can have an extreme and intense effect on a person’s brain. Some psychological signs that indicate meth addiction are paranoia, insomnia, and delusions. These effects can take hold in quick succession after meth use. Meanwhile, long-term meth use can cause sleep deprivation. Going without sleep for several days can induce memory problems and hallucinations. Sleep deprivation can also have significant effects on mood, causing a person to become more irritable.

Behavioral Signs of Meth Addiction

A person’s behavior can take a turn for the worse when they have a meth addiction. Those with a meth addiction will spurn the close relationships that they have formed with loved ones and friends. They will also start to exhibit more deceptive behavior like sneaking around and hiding away some of their possessions. Those who suffer from meth addiction might also begin to steal money to pay for their addiction habits. Once a person becomes addicted to meth, their priorities will often shift in favor of obtaining their next high by any means. This comes at the expense of everything else in their lives, including their relationships and other interests. 

Neurobiological Signs of Meth Addiction

Persistent meth use can be consequential for an individual’s brain. It increases the probability of having a stroke and Parkinson’s disease. It can cause nerve damage to the brain as well, while also reducing your nervous system’s effectiveness in repairing the damage. The longer a person is addicted to meth, the likelier the damage it causes can become permanent. This is especially true for anything that happens to your brain. 

Signs of Meth Addiction Over Time

Symptoms of meth use can become clearer over time. Its makeup and properties make meth use dangerous for a person’s mind and body. A person suffering from substance abuse disorder involving meth will see deterioration in their motor skills and increased lapses in their thinking as well as serious memory loss. Their behavior can also become more violent and hostile, especially to those closest to them. 

Meth addiction can be challenging for both the user and those closest to them. Overcoming such a difficult addiction will require proper addiction treatment and support. At Twin Town Treatment Centers, we provide such support with our helpful resources and evidence-based drug addiction treatment programs that have been crafted to perfectly suit the rehab treatment needs of our patients in Laguna Hills and throughout Los Angeles and Orange County.

Our practices have been shaped by our involvement in a UCLA, SAMHSA pilot project centered on the treatment of methamphetamine and cocaine use disorders. Twin Town Treatment Centers was one of several programs selected to participate in the pilot project to enhance and improve the treatment experience of individuals with Stimulant Use Disorder. We have been trained on how to implement an integrated, research-supported, multi-component approach to treatment. For more information about our programs and how we utilize such an approach, please call us at (866) 594-8844 or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment for a no-cost assessment.

5 Ways to Practice Mindfulness as Part of your Recovery

The uncertainty and unpredictability of the COVID-19 pandemic have made it an understandably anxious and difficult time for those that are in recovery from substance abuse disorder. While there is no universal solution, the practice of mindfulness meditation has shown to trigger a positive response from some of those in recovery. Mindfulness entails actively focusing on the current moment and calming your mind and body to help slow down your thoughts. With so much going on, the calmness that it brings makes it an ideal practice for those in recovery. Below are five ways to practice mindfulness as part of your recovery.

Think About Your Feelings

Life can move at a blistering pace and it can be difficult to process it all. With so much happening, it can be easy to forget to pay attention to your feelings and thoughts. Practice mindfulness by taking in what’s occurring around you and giving attention to your feelings. Think about how you’re processing each moment. When things feel overwhelming and chaotic, this can help add some semblance of control. 

Practice Acceptance

Recovery can be an emotional process filled with its highs and lows. It’s important to never let your emotions overflow and get the best of you. Instead, it’s best to approach things with a neutral and objective mindset and your emotions at an even-keeled level. Mindful acceptance teaches you to accept that there will be lows, but never to be swept up in emotion because of it. 

Avoid Judging Yourself

Mindfulness allows you to express your feelings without judgment. It’s understandable to have urges to use once more or to feel guilt over past behavior. When these feelings arise, avoid negatively judging yourself. It’s important that you give yourself the respect and understanding that you would to a loved one or someone close to you. 

Take a Moment to Breathe

Although you can’t always control what happens around you, you do have control over how you react to it. When negative thoughts begin to arise, take a step back and give yourself a chance to simply breathe. Situate yourself somewhere, close your eyes and take deep breaths. For an entire minute, completely focus on your breathing and nothing else. This can have a calming effect that can reduce certain urges and emotions.

Walking Meditation

Mindfulness doesn’t have to be a stationary practice. You can practice mindfulness by taking a short walk. Whether it’s in the middle of the day, or one of the first things you do in the morning, going on a walk can be a way for you to quietly meditate. When you’re on your walk, don’t be too brisk with your pace. Instead, slow your walk and think about each step you take. Be cognizant of all of your movements and everything that you’re feeling during the moment.

Going through recovery in a difficult time like this can be a challenging experience. This makes receiving proper guidance and support more necessary than ever before. At Twin Town Treatment Centers, we operate six facilities throughout the Los Angeles and Orange County area, including one in Laguna Hills, where our certified team strives to provide an environment where those on their journey toward recovery can receive such support. Get in touch with us by calling us at (866) 594-8844 or filling out our online form to get started today. Our team of professionals will provide you with a no-cost interview and assessment for alcohol and drug issues.

Preparing for the Transition to a Post-Pandemic Summer in Addiction Recovery

While we’re not out of the woods just yet, the COVID-19 pandemic is undoubtedly entering a different stage with looser restrictions and a return to normalcy on the horizon. What that means exactly is anybody’s best guess. What we do know is that there will be many changes amidst this transition. This means that those in recovery and treatment need to be prepared to react to all of these changes and adjust to this new environment that will test their resolve and mentality.

Facing Uncertainty and the Unknown 

As society begins opening back up and we all prepare for a return to a “new normal,” there’s a lot of uncertainty and anxiety over what this entails. With so much that is unknown, this can be a difficult time for those that are newer to addiction recovery or have relapsed during the pandemic. It’s important to approach this next transition stage with patience and calm. We encourage you to take things slowly and not rush into making any huge changes to your daily routine. Focus on a day at a time and don’t feel the need to do anything drastic. 

Social Pressures

With loosening restrictions and a steady increase in outdoor events, those who are in recovery may feel pressured to get involved in social situations and occurrences. This is understandable because of the amount of time that we have spent isolated and away from others. While we don’t advise you to continue your isolation, we do urge you to be careful of putting yourselves in risky social environments that feature drug and alcohol use. Instead, act with caution and only involve yourself in safe social settings that won’t be a risk to your health and well-being.   

Possible Changes in Treatment

One of the unfortunate effects of the pandemic has been a rise in substance abuse. This means that the post-pandemic period will likely see more patients in rehab treatment centers. This could affect the treatment of those currently in recovery because the influx of more patients may force facilities to adjust their scheduling and their approach. We encourage those currently in recovery to talk with those in charge of their addiction treatment to see if changes are anticipated. If changes are coming, work with those in charge to adapt to your new circumstances.   

Overcoming addiction can be difficult enough without the uncertainty brought upon by the post-pandemic period. Now more than ever, proper guidance and support are needed for those recovering from addiction. At Twin Town Treatment Centers, we operate six facilities throughout the Los Angeles and Orange County area, including one in Laguna Hills, where our certified team works to provide an environment that is welcoming and open for those on their journey toward recovery. Get in touch with us by calling us at (866) 594-8844 or filling out our online form to get started today. Our team of professionals will provide you with a no-cost interview and assessment for alcohol and drug issues.

How Drug Addiction Impacts Your Relationships

Drug addiction can consume and impact all aspects of a person’s life, including their closest relationships with their family, friends, and those around them. The effect can be swift and significant and serves as a massive change for the person affected by the addiction. This change represents why it is so difficult to overcome addiction; it is the result of the deterioration of the relationships that the individual has with those who love them. Here’s exactly how drug addiction can negatively affect these relationships.

Dishonesty and Deception

When a person is addicted to drugs and becomes aware of the severity of their issue, they will often attempt to cover up their activities and start being more secretive. This comes from both guilt and shame for their actions. Attempts to prevent their friends and family from learning of their activities will start with small lies and usually evolve into much larger ones. From lying about where they’ve been to being dishonest about money usage, things can quickly spiral out of control as the person with the addiction will try to hide their drug use from those around them. This can cause trust to be lost and relationships to falter.   

Loss of Trust

With the amount of dishonesty and deception coming from a loved one with an addiction, it can be easy to lose trust in their actions and words. The loss of trust can be a turning point in a relationship that causes an irreparable change for the worst. Trust is an important part of a relationship and once that has been lost, it can be difficult to gain back. Because an individual with an addiction is often preoccupied and focused on their drug use, it can also be difficult for them to take the necessary steps to win back the trust they’ve lost.  

Enabling Relationships

When a loved one suffers from an addiction, there is a tendency from some of their family and friends to attempt to help them by enabling and accepting their poor behavior. Things like excusing their drug use, giving them money without knowing how it’s being spent, or not holding them accountable are typical examples of enabling. However, enabling their addictive behavior will only encourage them to continue using drugs. This type of unbalanced relationship where one party is taking advantage of another is also not a healthy one and will put a strain on those involved. 

Codependent Relationships

Codependent relationships where one party serves as the caretaker of an addicted individual can often be dysfunctional and toxic. This type of relationship does not serve to benefit either partner. This is because there is an imbalance where one person forgoes their own needs and tries to take care of another, but is not providing help that is conducive for improvement and betterment. This, along with enabling behavior, can allow the addicted partner to fall deeper into their addiction. 

Anger and Violence

In some cases, the significant hold that addiction can have on a person can boil over and manifest in them lashing out in violent ways. Certain substances can trigger aggressive behavior that will escalate less intensive arguments into something more serious and perhaps even physical. Anger is not exclusive to just the individual with the addiction. Those around them can also be angry at their loved one for their volatile actions. Ultimately, all of this anger, resentment, and violent behavior will drive away even those closest to a person. 

Drug and substance abuse can put a strain on your closest relationships. The first step toward mending these relationships is acknowledging that there is a problem and expressing a willingness to start your journey toward recovery. Such a journey won’t be easy and will require proper addiction treatment and support. At Twin Town Treatment Centers, we provide useful resources and evidence-based drug addiction treatment programs that have been personalized to match the rehab treatment needs of our patients in Laguna Hills and throughout Los Angeles and Orange County. For more information about our programs, please call us at (866) 594-8844 or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment for a no-cost assessment.

How to Stage an Intervention to Help a Loved One Overcome Addiction

Although there are many instances where a person who suffers from addiction realizes the issue they have and seeks out help themselves, this isn’t always the case. There are certain situations where addicted individuals refuse to recognize that they have an addiction problem. Moreover, some of them may not even be aware of the negative impact of addiction on themselves and those around them. It’s at this point where an intervention may be required to help someone you care to overcome their addiction. An intervention can be a turning point for your loved one, here’s a guide for staging an intervention to help them express their feelings and start on the path to recovery.

Develop a Plan

One of the first things that you’ll need to do is to formulate a plan. This primarily entails creating a trusted team of people that have your loved one’s best interests in mind. For this stage, we recommend that you reach out to a professional with experience in staging successful interventions who can work with you to develop a plan that is both effective and productive. Because of the personal nature of the situation, it’s best to have someone who has an outside perspective to help mediate any disagreements.

Do Your Research on Treatment Options

There are many different treatment program options available which means that you’ll need to do thorough research on which treatment program is the most appropriate for your loved one. Whether it’s behavioral therapy, drug detox, or addiction treatment, learn as much as you can about these services and how they can impact your loved one. If necessary, get in contact with treatment centers and ask them about the approach that you should take with your loved one.

Create an Intervention Team

The members of your intervention team should be those who are close to your loved one and have been affected in some way by their substance abuse. Get in touch with family members, friends, or even coworkers. Form a team of people who truly cares about your loved one and is interested in helping them achieve long-term success and sobriety. Keep in mind that all of this needs to be done discreetly and without the knowledge of the addicted individual. 

Establish Consequences

Have some members of your intervention team establish consequences for your loved one if they fail to seek treatment or attempt to delay doing so even after committing to it. Although it seems harsh, having consequences can help motivate your loved one to get the help that they need. With how common relapse occurs during the recovery process, consequences can be particularly helpful in fighting against the possibility of it occurring.

Have Speeches Prepared

Every member of your intervention team should be prepared to speak about how your loved one’s addiction has personally affected them. Encourage them to provide specific anecdotes and events for those who do have one. Members of your intervention team should also remember to stress the importance of seeking professional treatment for your loved one. This is intended to be a revelatory experience for the addicted individual and how their behavior has negatively impacted those around them. 

Hold the Intervention

Agree upon a place and time to meet for the intervention and then hold it. Give everybody on the team a chance to talk and give their speech to your loved one. The hope is that your loved one will recognize that they have a problem and will commit to seeking treatment. Once a commitment has been made, have each person inform your loved one of the consequences of not attending treatment.

Stay Committed to the Plan

Support your loved one on their journey to recovery and give them a push whenever necessary. There may be instances where they will feel discouraged or suffer setbacks, it’s up to you and the rest of your loved one’s support system to help out whenever needed. It certainly won’t be an easy process which makes it especially necessary for you to stick to the plan and help facilitate the process.

By starting your journey towards recovery, you are beginning a new chapter in your life. Going through such a dramatic change in your life requires both support and guidance. At Twin Town Treatment Centers, we provide useful resources and evidence-based treatment programs that have been tailored to fit the individual needs of our patients in Laguna Hills and throughout Los Angeles and Orange County. For more information about our programs, please call us at (866) 594-8844 or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment for a no-cost assessment.

Understanding the 5 Stages of Alcoholism Recovery

From beginning to end, alcoholism recovery is a complex and difficult process that tests the determination of those who go through it. Although each person’s experience with alcoholism recovery is unique and different from one another, there are some shared characteristics throughout the process. Those recovering will generally experience the five stages of alcoholism recovery in the same order. If you are a resident of Laguna Hills or anywhere else in Orange County and interested in learning more, here’s more information about what each stage entails. 

Recognition and Acknowledgment

The first step to recovery is showing awareness and recognizing that there is a problem. This recognition is often spurred by different issues like relationship difficulties and trouble at work. Although there is this awareness and acknowledgment that things have gotten out of hand, a person at this stage is usually not prepared to stop their drinking or take responsibility for it. If you ever interact with someone in this stage who is willing to discuss their issues, it’s best to take a sympathetic conversational approach with this person.


In the contemplation stage, a person suffering from alcoholism is often looking into different options for treatment but is undecided about whether or not to pursue professional help. A clear sign that someone has progressed to this stage is if they have begun attempting to learn about alcohol abuse and its symptoms or have discussed their consideration about no longer consuming alcohol to others. This is an encouraging point because the addicted individual is starting to become more open to a solution for their issue. 


A person enters the preparation stage when they have committed to adjusting their ways and are looking into different solutions. While they still are consuming alcohol, there has been a meaningful shift in terms of their mindset that is encouraging and hints toward the possibility of change. This is an extremely critical step in which many people fail to make it to this point. When an individual is preparing to take action towards recovery such as setting goals and researching different treatment program options, it indicates that they are ready to take the next step. 

Taking Action

Detox is one of the first steps for treating alcoholism. Because of various factors like withdrawal and the severity of its symptoms, it’s especially recommended that an individual goes through a detoxification process in a treatment facility and with professional help. Once someone has completed detox, they can start to slowly progress towards a healthier lifestyle. Ultimately, this is a difficult stage that poses many challenges for those who go through it. Relapse is something that often occurs during this period, particularly at the beginning of the process. A treatment facility and all of its resources can be especially helpful during this time.

Maintenance and Relapse Prevention

Once an individual has achieved sobriety, they enter the maintenance stage where the goal is to continue exhibiting all of the positive techniques and behavior that they have learned throughout the recovery. At this point, it’s all about being careful not to fall back into bad habits and learning to live a fulfilling life that is without alcohol. The threat of relapse will always be there which is why a person can never get too comfortable or dismissive about the possibility.

Recovering from alcohol is no easy task especially without proper guidance and a strong support system. At Twin Town Treatment Centers, we operate six facilities throughout Los Angeles and Orange County area including one in Laguna Hills, where our experienced staff work to provide a safe and open environment for those beginning their journey towards recovery. Get in touch with us by calling us at (866) 594-8844 or filling out our online form to get started today. Our team of professionals will provide you with a no-cost interview and assessment for alcohol and drug issues

How Long Does the Withdrawal Effect Last?

Those who attempt to quit alcohol or substance use may experience symptoms commonly associated with withdrawal. These symptoms can range from psychological to physical ailments and can vary in terms of severity. The withdrawal effect can make overcoming addiction or substance abuse seem unachievable. With the proper help and support, however, a person can move past this difficult period and progress on their journey towards recovery. But what exactly is withdrawal and just how long should someone expect its effect to last? 

Defining Withdrawal and its Timeline

Withdrawal occurs when a person has become excessively dependent on alcohol or a substance. This dependency comes as a result of heavy alcohol or substance use. There are also cases where one’s genetics can contribute to quickening a person’s dependency and addiction to substances. 

The range for withdrawal from alcohol or substances typically varies between five and seven days. Withdrawal symptoms can start to arise either immediately after just a few hours or after two days. However, the peak of the symptoms should occur after around 48 hours or a little beyond that point. Once this period has passed, you should begin to no longer feel most of the noticeable symptoms. 

Post-Acute-Withdrawal Syndrome

In some cases though, the effects of withdrawal will extend beyond the typical 5-to-7-day window period. There have been instances where withdrawal has persisted for weeks and even years with an individual. This could be occurring because of your brain chemistry taking a while to readjust after a long period of alcohol or drug dependency and reliance. Those who go through this process may experience post-acute withdrawal syndrome and its long-term effects.

This condition’s symptoms are often more psychologically oriented. They include fatigue, anxiety, mood swings, and depression. These kinds of symptoms can stay with a person for months and years. However, these issues and their impacts can be lessened through support and treatment. Twin Town Treatment Centers provides an outpatient treatment that is a diverse and comprehensive program that will support you or your loved ones on all levels. It is immediately practiced in daily life by our patients and has proven to be effective.

The process of quitting alcohol or substance use can be challenging without guidance and a proper support system. At Twin Town Treatment Centers, we operate six facilities throughout Los Angeles and Orange County that strive to offer both experiences while continuing to provide a safe and welcoming environment for those starting their journey towards recovery. Get in touch with us today by calling us at (866) 594-8844 or fill out our online form to get started. Our team of professionals will provide you with a no-cost interview and assessment for alcohol and drug issues