You’ve Finished Addiction Treatment – What’s Next?

Congratulations. You’ve completed addiction treatment in Torrance, CA, which is something to be proud of. However, returning home presents a new set of challenges for those struggling with substance use disorder. Fortunately, you don’t have to face them alone.

Having a continuing care plan is essential for relapse prevention. It also allows recent patients to feel confident as they transition back into their daily lives, encountering memories of substance use, old triggers, and daily responsibilities.

This guide explores four key resources for continuing care that foster a lasting recovery experience after an addiction treatment program is completed.

The Benefits of Continuing Care

Continuing care is the second half of addiction treatment’s two-stage structure. A rehab program begins with detoxification and withdrawal management, but establishing a robust continuing care strategy will solidify relapse prevention and increase patient confidence.

Outpatient treatment programs are the foundation of successful continuing care and can be tailored to your schedule and needs. You’ll build on progress from previous treatments, nurture healthy relationships, and improve your quality of life. Continuing care helps you establish a manageable recovery lifestyle.

When continuing care is done right, it can support recovery from a range of drug addictions, including cocaine use disorder, alcohol addiction, meth use disorder, and more.

Individual therapy

The first line of defense against relapse is personal counseling from a licensed therapist. Working with a licensed therapist will teach you to recognize triggers and practice relapse prevention strategies to defend against cravings.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT considers the connection between thoughts and behavior, creating a roadmap of potential triggers that can be more easily avoided, reducing temptations.

Coping Skills

As substance use disorder is often a response to mental health challenges like anxiety and depression, counseling can help you develop healthy coping skills. Tools like mindfulness and active gratitude replace substance use as a means of stress management.

Family Counseling

Drug addiction doesn’t exist in a vacuum; it affects the people around you as much as the people around you can influence or trigger your cravings. Family programs help those in your life heal and strengthen your bonds so you have a healthy, helpful support network.

Trauma Therapy

Trauma, whether physical or psychological, is a core cause of substance use disorder. In fact, between 14 and 60 percent of those with substance use disorder also struggle with some form of PTSD. Trauma therapy helps you work through and develop tools to confront these triggers.

Other therapies exist, including commitment therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and others engineered to address specific needs. At Twin Town Treatment Centers, we can pair you with licensed professionals and programs to help you find lasting recovery.

Medical Assisted Treatment (MAT)

MAT (medical-assisted treatment) is often used to ease the stress from severe addictions and withdrawal symptoms. However, MAT can be used alongside other continuing care resources to support addiction recovery in Torrance, CA.

Various medications exist with unique methods of relapse prevention. Some reduce the appealing effects of substances or create unpleasant side effects, lessening the appeal. Other drugs trick your brain to eliminate cravings, reducing the cognitive load on patients.

MAT is only one part of continuing care and shouldn’t be solely relied on for relapse prevention. However, certain medications can be used to lessen the stress on patients, especially during the first few months following a drug rehab program.

Support Groups

Support groups are a staple of addiction recovery programs. Think of 12-step groups that support recovery from alcohol addiction, cocaine use disorder, and other substance use disorders. These provide a community of relatable individuals and a judgment-free space.

You’ll learn from others’ experiences while working through personal challenges in support groups. They provide a safe space to discuss your anxieties, regrets, negative thoughts, and other triggers for substance use disorder with those who understand and empathize.

While addiction can often be an isolating experience, having a trusted support group of like-minded individuals prevents you from feeling alone in the experience. These groups include 12-step programs, SMART recovery training, and Twin Town alumni communities.

Motivational interviewing

Lasting recovery requires strong motivation to withstand the well-worn triggers of daily life. One specialized resource for maintaining “emotional fuel” is motivational interviewing. This doesn’t need to be a constant but can be utilized if and when you feel your energy waning.

During motivational interviewing, a professional will reaffirm emotional ties to the benefits of sobriety. They’ll help you visualize your goals to foster excitement for the possibilities of a recovery lifestyle. Once practical steps are set, you can return confidently to your life!

Continued Care at Twin Town Treatment Centers

At Twin Town Treatment Center, we’re committed to our patients’ longevity. We offer outpatient treatment programs to help you transition from in-patient treatments to your daily life. Our addiction treatment in Torrance, CA, includes everything from CBT to 12-step programs.

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance use disorder, call Twin Town Treatment Centers today at 866-594-8844 or contact us online to set up an initial assessment.