Understand the Effects of Meth Use Disorder To Help With Recovery
Methamphetamine is one of the most harmful drugs on the market due to its immediate and severe effects on the user’s body and mind. The extreme psychological and physical toll taken on meth users has devastating consequences that make it impossible to lead a normal life.
Understanding the nature and consequences of meth use disorder is crucial in encouraging recovery and seeking help from a qualified drug rehab treatment center. If you or a loved one are struggling with meth use disorder, keep reading to learn more about the substance’s consequences and how you can begin a successful and long-term recovery.
What Is Meth?
Methamphetamine, also known as meth, is a powerful and highly addictive stimulant drug that affects the central nervous system. It’s one of the most dangerous and commonly abused drugs in the United States, with an estimated 1.6 million users each year.
Meth is typically produced in makeshift laboratories using easily obtainable ingredients such as common household chemicals. This makes it cheap and easily accessible, leading to its widespread use.
Meth acts similarly to other stimulants such as cocaine and amphetamines. The intense high produced by meth leads to side effects, including:
- Increased energy
- Rapid heart rate
- Increased blood pressure
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Paranoia
- Violent behaviors
- Stroke
- Heart attack
- Tremors
- Seizures
- Feelings of euphoria
The effects of meth can develop after just one use, especially when combined with other substances, including alcohol.
How Long Do the Effects of Meth Last?
The effects of meth, and how long those effects last, vary depending on how the substance is taken. When smoked or injected, the high is immediate but brief. Users typically experience an initial burst of euphoria followed by several hours of lesser effects. When ingested orally or snorted, the effects take longer to kick in but your high can last up to 24 hours.
However, the effects of meth go beyond the initial high, as meth use can lead to long-term physical and mental health issues. One of the most severe and life-threatening effects of meth use is addiction, which often leads to overdose and death. Meth use also leads to a change in brain chemistry, resulting in significant mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and psychosis, making it crucial to seek professional help in overcoming meth use disorder.
What Can I Expect from Meth Withdrawal?
When a person stops using meth, they can experience physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms. There are typically two stages of meth withdrawal: acute withdrawal and post-acute withdrawal.
Acute meth withdrawal symptoms typically last up to a week and include:
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Chills
- Dehydration
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Weight gain
- Intense cravings
Once your acute withdrawal symptoms begin to fade, you may begin to experience post-acute withdrawal symptoms, which include:
- Depression
- Psychosis
- Mood swings
- Suicidal thoughts
- Excessive sleeping
- Cravings and increased appetite
Post-acute withdrawal symptoms typically fade within three weeks, but some symptoms may linger for several months, depending on the severity of your addiction.
How Can I Safely Detox From Meth?
The withdrawal symptoms of meth can make it extremely challenging for people to successfully detox. The discomfort of these symptoms, even when not dangerous, often puts users at an increased risk of relapsing. Therefore, it’s recommended that you seek treatment at a reputable drug addiction treatment center where you can receive a safe, complete, and monitored detox from methamphetamine.
During medically-supported meth detox, your support team will gradually reduce your dosage of meth while managing withdrawal symptoms with medication and other therapies. You’ll also be encouraged to attend therapy and other support programs to address the underlying cause of your addiction and develop realistic strategies to prevent future relapse.
When you attend a drug rehab center, ensuring your long-term health and success is the staff’s No. 1 priority. Not only will you receive treatment for your immediate withdrawals, but you’ll also receive holistic care that sets you up for a lifelong commitment to sobriety.
If you or someone you love is struggling with meth use disorder and wants to seek treatment, Twin Town Treatment Centers offers comprehensive outpatient treatment programs. Whatever your struggle, we have a team of experts ready to support you, and we’ll work closely with your family, friends, and wider support system to give you the well-rounded care you need to achieve lifelong health and happiness. To get started with an initial assessment in Laguna Hills, CA, give us a call at 866-594-8844 or contact us online.