What Does It Take to Get Clean and Sober?
A: Getting sober entails changing ideas, choices and behaviors. The first step toward recovery is a recognition that change is better than continuing the condition and direction you find yourself. To recognize that change is desired, you need to be open to new ideas.
Often, we defend ourselves in the face of actual or imagined challenges. If you defend your current condition and excuse away the difficulties you are encountering, you fight to remain the same. If instead you listen to other ideas and consider how they could apply to you, change may be possible.
Consider other feedback as an “invitation” to try something new rather than a demand toward which you will rebel.
Q: Does getting sober require accepting help from others?
A: If you can stop the behavior which is harming you and your loved ones and make long-lasting changes, seeking help may be secondary. If you have difficulty maintaining a new direction which produces better results for yourself and others, help is necessary.
People addicted to alcohol and drugs can sometimes cease drinking and using without help. Many times, other problematic feelings and behaviors arise because of their unassisted abstinence. Recovery can be enjoyable and rewarding if help is accepted. New supportive relationships can replace the void left by the drugs and alcohol. Cravings can be overcome by better coping and communication skills. That dreadful loneliness is replaced by connecting with others.
Q: How do I quit for good and never relapse on drugs or alcohol?
A: When making such a significant change as sobering up and engaging in a program of recovery, it is vital to take it slowly and not to overwhelm yourself. Eventually you will discover that the only thing you changed was everything. This amount of change doesn’t happen quickly and it never stops.
One Day at a Time
Take Only the Next Indicated Step
Life is Not a Race
Take it Easy
One Step at a Time
Q: Does recovery require moving into a treatment center and paying a lot of money for treatment?
A: No. When medical or behavioral risks of withdrawal or relapse require external monitoring and control, a brief inpatient stay may be recommended. Getting sober and engaging in recovery may require professional guidance and support but treatment doesn’t need to be expensive and often doesn’t require an inpatient or residential setting to provide it.
The changes made in recovery need to be made in your day to day life. If you don’t practice recovery at home with your loved ones and friends, it won’t last. Outpatient treatment can provide that guided practice while you live at home and participate in your personal activities and relationships.
Q: What are other essential ingredients toward achieving lasting recovery?
A: H.O.W.
Twin Town Treatment Centers is immediately accessible to all Los Angeles and Orange County residents, is accredited by The Joint Commission, and is certified by the California DHCS. All network HMO/PPO/EPO insurance plans and Medi-Cal contract with Twin Town Treatment Centers to provide drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Our phone is answered by real people. We can see people on the same day you call. (866) 594-8844