Sober Holiday Events in Recovery Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Hollywood

Strengthen your recovery and sober support network by taking sober friends in some of the following West Hollywood, Hollywood and Los Angeles events. Changing your behavior and activities will open new avenues for fun. Try some of the following:


West Hollywood Recovery Center Marathon Holiday/New Years Meetings,

December 24th-4pm-2AM, December 25th-9am-2AM, December 31st-4pm-2am, January 1st 2019   9am-2pm, 626 Robertson Blvd. West Hollywood, CA


AA AT CENTER MARATHON MEETINGS, December 25 and January 1: 11:00pm – 11:00pm, AT Center, 1773 Griffith Park Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90027


NA WESTSIDE ANNUAL NEW YEAR’S EVE MARATHON, Meetings: 10:00pm – 2:00am, Westside Hope Center, 11313 Washington Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90066


#BOOM! Alcohol and Drug-Free New Year’s Event, December 31, 2016 8:00 PM – January 01, 2017, West Hollywood Park Auditorium, 647 N. San Vicente Boulevard

UNLOADED LA’s 1st Sober New Years Eve Party, December 31st 8:30PM Green Truck 9040 Lindblade St. Culver City, CA 90232.

LACMA Cinema: Mary Poppins Returns December 15; Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf December 18, Pink Martini (Band…) December 31

Walt Disney Concert Hall Concerts: A Chanticleer Christmas December 19, Holiday Sing-A-Long December 22;


Twin Town Treatment Centers is immediately accessible to all Los Angeles and Orange County residents, is accredited by The Joint Commission, and is certified by the California DHCS. All network HMO/PPO/EPO insurance plans and Medi-Cal contract with Twin Town Treatment Centers to provide drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Our phone is answered by real people. We can see people on the same day you call. (866) 594-8844