Recognizing Early Signs of Meth Use Disorder in Orange, CA, Teens

Early recognition of meth addiction is critical for preventing severe and potentially life-threatening health issues. Unfortunately, teen meth use is all too prevalent. There is no safe “experimenting” with this highly addictive stimulant, and often, signs of use aren’t visible until a formidable addiction has set in. Fortunately for Orange, CA, parents, Twin Town Treatment Centers has put together a guide on the top five signs of meth use in teens.

Access to methamphetamine is increasing in the United States, especially in areas like California, where industrialized manufacturing of illegal meth is lowering prices. While you can’t prevent your teens from coming in contact with meth, you can spot the signs of their addiction and help them find addiction treatment.

Nervous or Jittery Behavior

Teenagers are already a jumpy, jittery bunch. However, when you add crystal meth into the mix, their nervous behavior may seem extreme to the point of concern. Since meth is a stimulant, it skyrockets their usual energy, leading to jittery behavior. This can persist even after usage as teens struggling with meth addiction experience withdrawals.

Meth use disorder can lead your teens to behave with abnormal levels of irritability and anger, often out of context. While teenagers are known for their fluctuating emotions, drug addiction to methamphetamines escalates this to dangerous levels.

Impulsive Scratching

Persistent scratching of the face and body is a hallmark of meth addiction. Regardless of how it is consumed, meth use often leads to something known as “meth psychosis,” which many compare to schizophrenia. It manifests as the sensation of bugs crawling on the skin, leading to persistent and often manic itching of the body.

This behavior is disturbing in itself, but it can also lead to physical harm as those struggling with meth abuse scratch themselves to the point of injury. You’ll notice open wounds and red marks across their arms, face, and body. This is a sign of severe meth addiction.

Meth Mouth

This is one of the most noticeable symptoms of meth use disorder in Orange, CA, teens. Meth use, especially if smoked, deteriorates oral hygiene. Eventually, users stop trying to take care of their teeth, leading to yellowed teeth and infected gums. Meth mouth is one of the easiest symptoms to spot once you know about it.

Meth use also leads to excessive grinding of the teeth and biting of the lips. This further damages the teeth and mouth, making your teen’s drug addiction more apparent. At this point, their need for drug addiction treatment is urgent.

Consistent Sleep Deprivation

Due to increased energy levels, teens who struggle with substance use disorder will often stay up for 24 hours straight — or more. This lack of sleep impairs their cognitive abilities and decision-making skills, resulting in dangerous situations for them and those around them. It also inhibits the brain’s ability to recover from damage due to meth use.

You don’t need to check in on them every night to see if something is wrong. Often, sleep deprivation leads to worsening behavior, erratic emotions, and forgetfulness. Pay attention to your teen’s sleep habits to spot potential drug addiction.

Intense Fatigue

Since high-energy drugs like methamphetamine lead to long periods without sleep, it’s only natural that, eventually, your teen will crash. Those struggling with meth use disorder will often sleep for 24 hours straight. When awake, they can be irritable and demanding due to uneven sleep cycles and fatigue that impair executive functioning.

Fatigue can lead to other issues like poor hygiene and presentation. Often, Orange, CA, teens struggling with meth addiction don’t care how they appear, wearing dirty clothes and going days without showering. As drug addiction worsens and decision-making deteriorates, they can turn to stealing from family to supply their substance use disorder.

Support Your Teen With Drug Addiction Treatment

We understand that these symptoms are alarming, and often, parents feel hopeless about helping their teens. However, Twin Town Treatment Centers has over 30 years of experience assisting teens to find recovery from meth use disorder. Our levels of care tailor treatment to the needs of adolescents, increasing chances of lasting sobriety.

We offer inpatient and outpatient treatment programs that personalize drug addiction treatment to suit your needs. Teens can maintain daily responsibilities and practice recovery strategies while attending weekly sessions. Call Twin Town Treatment Centers today at 866-594-8844 or contact us online to schedule an appointment.