How Can You Help a Friend Struggling With Meth Use Disorder?

It’s heartbreaking to watch a loved one, whether they’re a friend or family member, struggle with a substance use disorder. The countless conversations, years of arguments, and failed attempts to help can leave one feeling helpless. Knowing what is within your power and when to step back can provide significant comfort.

While you can’t force them to find addiction treatment in Los Alamitos, CA, there are many things you can do to help them. Maintaining hope is critical not just before but also after a loved one enters rehab treatment. Your loving support is one element of their recovery.

This guide provides strategies for helping a loved one through meth addiction while protecting your mental and emotional well-being. If your loved one is ready to find help, Twin Town Treatment Centers has the necessary specialists and resources.

Act Before Things Get Worse

Whether you’ve previously spoken up and were met with resistance or are just now considering doing so, it’s essential that you act before things get worse. It’s tempting, especially after you’ve been shut down, to wait until they hit rock bottom, but this can be dangerous.

Never underestimate just how bad “rock bottom” can be. In some cases, it can be jail time or even death. The longer you wait, the more severe and long-lasting health concerns will develop; what’s more, the challenge of sobriety will be greater as dependence solidifies.

If you are concerned about a loved one’s meth use disorder, act immediately. The earlier they find addiction treatment in Los Alamitos, CA, the better off they’ll be.

Seek Personal Support

It’s important to remember that you don’t have to do it alone. While you may be the closest person in their life, especially if they’re a romantic partner, you can still elicit help from professionals or your community.

Addiction treatment centers in Los Alamitos, CA, are a great place to find specialists who can help you reach your loved one. Other therapists and support groups are available to provide emotional support, even to families of those struggling with meth use disorder. These groups connect you with others who share your grievances and offer tools.

Your chances of success are higher if you work with professionals, therapists, and fellow community members who know and care about your loved one.

Stop Enabling Habits

While you undeniably want to help your loved one, you may unintentionally enable their behaviors. By ceasing enabling behaviors, you’ll force your loved one to confront the true impact of their actions. This may indirectly convince them to seek drug addiction treatment.

Enabling behaviors include helping them financially, helping them out of bad situations caused by drug addiction, and excusing negative behaviors. While your desire to help is understandable, financial and emotional support may allow them to continue their use.

Ask Questions

An aggressive approach is rarely effective in convincing loved ones to seek addiction treatment in Los Alamitos, CA. Instead, ask them questions with an open, compassionate attitude. Empathetic understanding is a strong place to start if the goal is to inspire change.

If you approach them with an open mind, there’s a good chance they’ll reflect your openness and be more willing to consider drug rehab programs. A few questions you can ask to get to the root of their struggle are:

  • Are you aware that your loved ones are concerned for you? 
  • What help/methods have you tried so far?
  • How do you feel about attending rehab?
  • Do you think you’re struggling with meth use disorder?
  • How can I help?

Once you’ve asked, listen and give them space to work through their thoughts. Always maintain a safe, judgment-free environment to prevent arguments or defensiveness.

Stage an Intervention

You’ve probably heard of interventions or seen them represented in film and television. This is a supported strategy for confronting loved ones with your concerns and the effects of their meth use disorder. Group conversations provided extra emotional support.

Professional interventionists can prepare you for the conversation and enrich your understanding of your role in your loved one’s life. They can also increase the chances of your loved one taking responsibility and joining a rehab treatment center.

Recovery Support at Twin Town Treatment Centers

If your loved one is ready to accept help for and find addiction treatment in Los Alamitos, CA, tell them about Twin Town Treatment Centers. Our comprehensive drug rehab provides everything they’ll need, from detoxification to outpatient treatment programs.

At Twin Town, they’ll access a safe, comfortable environment and varied levels of care depending on their needs. We offer cognitive behavioral therapies, individual counseling, family programs, 12-step communities, and relapse prevention.

Call Twin Town Treatment Centers today at 866-594-8844 or contact us online to schedule a free initial assessment.