How Do I Know If I Have a Drug or Alcohol Problem?
Q. What are common signs of drug and alcohol problems?
A. People who encounter problems which coincide with their alcohol and/or drug use but continue to drink or use drugs are most likely to have a problem. Usually people stop doing things which create problems. People with drug or alcohol abuse problems have many ways to deny or avoid seeing that alcohol and drugs are connected to their troubles.
Q. If I enjoy drinking or using drugs, why should I worry about abusing or overusing them?
A. People who develop addiction to substances at some point lose their ability to control their use. Relationships, career, self-esteem, health and safety are placed in increasing jeopardy.
Q. How do I know if I’ve lost control?
A. If you use drugs and/or alcohol as your primary way to relax, have fun, socialize or relieve discomfort/ pain, you are getting close to losing control. Replacing activities and skills with chemicals is the basis for addiction.
Q. What are common problems which alcohol and drugs create?
A. Relationships with others such as family members and loved ones suffer when drugs and/or alcohol become priority. Work, school and recreational activities become secondary to alcohol and drugs. Personal effectiveness and performance fall off. Emotions and moods become unstable or extreme; non-prescribed chemical use disrupts physical and psychological wellbeing and development.
Physical symptoms can be detected by your doctor through blood or urine tests, inquiry into your personal history, or from a review of brain, stomach, heart or liver function. Ask your doctor about your alcohol and/or drug use patterns.
Q. Does your personality change from alcohol or drug use problems?
A. When your hobbies, recreational and entertainment interests are replaced by activities which include alcohol and drug use, your interests and priorities change. If personal problems go unresolved for long periods of time, people often avoid facing the problems with increased alcohol and drug use. People with a drug and alcohol problem often lose their sense of purpose and worth and start doing things of which they become ashamed.
Q. What can I do to determine if I have a drug or alcohol problem?
A. If you have friends or family with whom you don’t drink or use drugs, ask them for their observations. Make an appointment with a trustworthy therapist, doctor or program who is aware of or specializes in substance abuse disorder assessment.
If you find that you drink or use more than what you initially intended, or are encountering consequences related to your chemical use, get help. Your life can be freed of the entanglements commonly known as addiction and alcoholism.
Twin Town Treatment Centers is immediately accessible to all Los Angeles and Orange County residents, is accredited by The Joint Commission, and is certified by the California DHCS.
All network HMO/PPO/EPO insurance plans and Medi-Cal contract with Twin Town Treatment Centers to provide drug and alcohol rehabilitation.
Our phone is answered by real people. We can see people on the same day you call. (866) 594-8844