5 Signs That You Can Benefit from Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Alcohol addiction is one of the most common forms of substance use disorder. In fact, some estimate that more than 11% of adults in the United States struggle with alcohol abuse. However, many people can function successfully throughout the day while remaining addicted to alcohol, making it difficult for them to acknowledge that they have a problem. Since the first step toward recovery is acknowledging substance abuse, this is a significant obstacle.

This article explores the five common signs that you could benefit from alcohol addiction treatment in Torrance, CA. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol, contact Twin Town Treatment Centers to receive impactful care.

1. You Wonder If You Should Reduce Alcohol Consumption

If you’re considering reducing your level of alcohol consumption, this is a pretty good sign that you may benefit from alcohol addiction treatment. This is especially true if you struggle to reduce your drinking habits. If this is the case, you may have a nagging sense that your body has developed a dependency on alcohol that sheer willpower can’t fix. An addiction treatment program can help you achieve the sobriety you’ve imagined. 

2. You Question Your Need to Stop Drinking

While you may continue to excel in your work, academics, and even personal relationships, this doesn’t mean your alcohol consumption isn’t adversely affecting your life. If others have expressed concern about your drinking frequency, yet you continue to rationalize your use, this may be a sign that alcohol addiction treatment is necessary. Alcohol addiction can linger just below the surface — not apparent, yet noticeable to those who know you well.

3. You Intentionally Conceal Your Drinking

Often, those struggling with alcohol addiction feel a sense of shame at their excessive use and inability to stop or reduce drinking. This leads them to conceal their drinking from others, whether to prevent anticipated criticisms or to avoid these feelings of shame. If you hide bottles from partners or friends or work diligently to maintain an appearance of perfection, you may be struggling with alcohol addiction.

You may think that, just because family or friends haven’t noticed your drinking habit, you aren’t addicted. This is just another way that alcohol addictions persist, as those struggling with them can rationalize their behaviors. Maintaining this rationale often requires hiding drinking frequency to prevent the popping of this bubble.

4. You Give Random Justifications

Those struggling with alcohol addiction often provide seemingly random or irrelevant justifications for their use. One notable example is starting your day with an early drink to “get ready” for the day’s work. Even if you’re able to function well throughout the day, this early drink, known as an “eye-opener,” is a common sign of alcohol use disorder. Alcohol as a regular part of your morning routine is a major red flag, as are similar justifications for excessive drinking or drinking at odd times.

5. You Constantly Think About Drinking

As you go throughout your day, pay attention to your thoughts and how much mental space is dedicated to thinking about drinking. If you find your thoughts drifting toward drinking, such as considering how long it will be until you can have your next drink, you may be dealing with an alcohol addiction that requires help from a drug treatment facility. Even if you’re successful in work or school, hyper-fixating on alcohol is a major red flag.

Get Help at Twin Town Treatment Centers

If any of the above signs apply to you, Twin Town Treatment Centers can help you achieve lasting sobriety in Torrance, CA. We provide exceptional care backed by a personal approach and evidence-based treatment methods, guaranteeing our patients the care and respect they deserve. We offer comprehensive alcohol addiction treatment to address the multifaceted challenge of alcohol use disorder, including individual and group therapies. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol addiction, call Twin Town Treatment Centers at 866-594-8844 or contact us online to schedule an appointment.