Twin Town Treatment Centers operates six outpatient substance use disorder programs in Los Angeles and Orange Counties serving community residents within a twenty-minute commute. Morning or evening adult sessions and an evening teen program allow patient clients to continue with home, school and work responsibilities as they apply recovery and new coping skills directly into their daily lives. The “take-home” benefits of outpatient treatment is 100%.

Twin Town has provided reputable, evidence-based treatment for addiction to Los Angeles and Orange County residents for over twenty-five years. Accredited by the Joint Commission and certified by the State of California, our services are monitored for quality and are practices demonstrate ethics and integrity.

Twin Town’s intensive outpatient treatment programs are certified by the California Department of Health Care Services under the following SUD certificate numbers:

  • Los Alamitos – DHCS SUD Certification # 300128AP, Effective 3/1/2023 – 2/28/2027
  • Laguna Hills – DHCS SUD Certification #300128DP, Effective 7/1/2021 – 6/30/25
  • Orange – DHCS SUD Certification # 300128CP, Effective 7/1/2021 – 6/30/25
  • Sherman Oaks – DHCS SUD Certification #190290BP, Effective 3/1/2023 – 2/28/2025
  • Torrance – DHCS SUD Certification #190290AP, Effective 3/1/2023 – 2/28/2025
  • West Hollywood – DHCS SUD Certification #190290CP, Effective 6/1/2021 – 5/31/2025

With the exception of one HMO, Twin Town contracts with all HMO, PPO, behavioral health insurance plans as an in-network preferred provider.

To verify or inquire with the California Department of Health regarding the Alcohol and Drug Certification status of any provider, please link: https://www.dhcs.ca.gov/provgovpart/SUD-LCR/Pages/SUS-REV-NOV.aspx


Twin Town Treatment Centers designs individual treatment plans which are easily accessed and affordable, while providing effective steps toward long-term recovery. Most insured patient cover the entire cost of their treatment through their HMO, PPO and managed care plan minus their deductible and co-pay. An estimate of costs are verified and communicated prior to patient-client enrollment. We avoid any surprises!

Twin Town measures treatment outcomes in several ways. Of patient clients contacted and surveyed nine to twelve (9 – 12) months after their discharge from the program, eighty percent (80%) have at least three (3) months of continuous sobriety. Sixty four (64%) percent stayed sober since leaving Twin Town’s treatment. Measuring client relapse resilience using a standardized relapse prevention tool early and late in treatment, the client majority encountered a meaningful reduction in relapse risk level and the extent of that improvement increased after twenty or more days in treatment.

Using our anonymous rating and grievance process, the vast majority of patient clients rate Twin Town’s services as “excellent” five days after their enrollment and at the conclusion of their experience with us.

About Our CEO

2019 CSAM Award Recipient

The CSAM Community Service Award is presented to a non-physician who has made outstanding contributions to the community.

David Lisonbee is President and Chief Executive Officer of Twin Town Treatment Centers, which operates a network of six Los Angeles and Orange County outpatient addiction treatment programs.

Possessing over thirty years of behavioral health management and executive experience, Mr. Lisonbee oversees corporate governance, development, finance, compliance, quality management and clinical service. Prior to operating Twin Town Treatment Centers, Mr. Lisonbee developed and operated psychiatric hospitals and outpatient psychiatric programs.

Having both personal and professional investment in addiction recovery, Mr. Lisonbee believes that the profession of addiction treatment is best served by scientific research, empirical and experiential insights into the disease, combined with personal and social commitments and ethics.