Added Perseverance: Help for Addiction and Support for Recovery

Ours is a moment in time of self-quarantine, social distancing and isolation. Connection and community are necessary to recover and sustain recovery from addiction and alcoholism. Alternative routes to getting help for an addiction and support for recovery are needed. 

The people of the Los Angeles and Orange County areas are facing a pandemic. People with active addiction or alcoholism are facing two threats to their lives. People recovering from alcoholism or addiction need mutual support to sustain their recovery.

Support for Recovery

Adding to or substituting for traditional mutual recovery support groups, electronic forums have broadened to meet the needs of recovering addicts and alcoholics in the Los Angeles Area:


If you have additional resources that you would like to publish on Twin Town’s webpage or blogs, please send them to


Help for Addiction

Twin Town Treatment Centers and many other addiction treatment centers remain open during this healthcare crisis. Community based programs like Twin Town provide essential and medically necessary addition treatment (SUD) services. Even during times of “shelter in place”, programs like Twin Town do not and should not close. People with addiction and alcoholism problems particularly need help during these most difficult times. This too is a matter of public safety. 

Twin Town has implemented COVID 19 mitigation precautions and protocols as recommended by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. Telehealth options exist for people in the position of receiving them. 

So as to assist all people in need, Twin Town doesn’t to limit access to services- our full services are live, onsite and in-person. Many people in need lack of access or the capacity to use telemedicine platforms used by others who may be more technically oriented or capable.

Respecting the need to protect the confidentiality of personal addiction and alcoholism histories, Twin Town maintains HIPAA and 42CFR Part 2 protections despite current waivers. We work live on location rather than remotely. CDC and LA County Department of Public Health COVID 19 mitigation procedures are closely monitored to protect staff and clientele.

Twin Town (866) 594-8844